Combating soft hooves – our approach to healthy equine feet.

A horse’s hooves are the foundation of their health and mobility. Soft hooves, however, can be a cause for concern. They offer less support, increasing the risk of cracking, bruising, infection and discomfort. Fortunately, there are solutions to address this issue. This article explores our approach to treating soft hooves, combining a natural hoof balm with hoof boots for optimal results.

Understanding Soft Hooves

Several factors can contribute to soft hooves. Constant exposure to moisture from wet environments or prolonged standing in mud can weaken the hoof wall. Dietary deficiencies, particularly a lack of essential nutrients like biotin, can also play a role. Additionally, certain medical conditions can affect hoof health.

The Power of Natural Oils: Parkers Equine Hoof Balm

Parkers Equine Hoof Balm offers a natural approach to strengthening and protecting hooves. This balm, formulated with organic essential oils, creates a moisture barrier when applied to dry hooves. This barrier helps to prevent excessive water absorption, a key factor in hoof softening.

The balm’s unique blend of oils offers additional benefits:

  • Nourishment: Coconut oil, canola oil, shea butter, and olive oil provide essential fatty acids that nourish the hoof wall, promoting healthy growth.
  • Protection: Eco soy wax creates a physical barrier against moisture and environmental damage.
  • Antimicrobial Properties: Tea tree and thyme essential oils possess natural antifungal and antibacterial properties, aiding in the prevention of thrush, a common hoof condition associated with moisture.

Suitable for All Hooves

Parkers Equine Hoof Balm is safe and effective for both shod and barefoot horses. The balm can be applied to the sole, frog, and walls of the hoof, providing comprehensive protection.

Enhancing Protection with Hoof Boots

For barefoot horses, hoof boots offer an additional layer of protection against moisture and environmental wear. Brands like Equine Fusion and Cloud are popular options. These boots help to keep the hoof and pastern area dry, further preventing softening and hair loss.

Maintaining Hoof Health with Hoof Boots

While hoof boots offer significant benefits, it’s crucial to practice proper hygiene. To avoid thrush development, remove the boots daily to allow the hoof to breathe. This daily removal also provides an opportunity to inspect the hoof for any injuries or signs of infection. After cleaning and inspection, apply Parkers Equine Hoof Balm for continued protection and nourishment.

The Verdict

Soft hooves can be a concern, but with a dual approach, you can effectively address the issue and promote healthy hoof growth. Parkers Equine Hoof Balm, with its blend of natural oils, provides a natural moisture barrier and essential nourishment. For barefoot horses, combining the balm with hoof boots offers an extra layer of protection against moisture and environmental damage. Remember, consistent hoof care, including regular cleaning and inspections, remains vital for maintaining strong, healthy hooves for your horse.

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