Hoof Boot Tip Bits

Hoof Boot Tip Bits

What Are Hoof Boots Used For?

Hoof boots are versatile pieces of equine footwear designed to protect and support a horse’s hooves. They are used in various scenarios, most commonly for providing protection and comfort to barefoot horses, therapeutic purposes, and during transitions from shod to barefoot conditions. Protection for Barefoot Horses One of the primary uses of hoof boots is

Hoof Boot Tip Bits

Snazz up for Summer

Did you know Hoof Boots Ireland stocks a wide range of accessories including colour straps & gaitors? Adding colour is a great way to match your current wardrobe and is super helpful if your horse wears both front and back and you need to distinguish the sizes. Scoot Boot Flex Boots Explora

Hoof Boot Tip Bits

Matching Front and Back? Not Always Necessary!

Ever wondered if your horse needs matching hoof boots on all four feet? The answer is most often no. In fact, it’s more common for horses to wear different styles or even sizes of hoof boots on their front and back hooves. Why the Difference? Hoof boots are designed for specific hoof shapes and functions.

Hoof Boot Tip Bits

Combating soft hooves – our approach to healthy equine feet.

A horse’s hooves are the foundation of their health and mobility. Soft hooves, however, can be a cause for concern. They offer less support, increasing the risk of cracking, bruising, infection and discomfort. Fortunately, there are solutions to address this issue. This article explores our approach to treating soft hooves, combining a natural hoof balm

Hoof Boot Tip Bits

Hoof SOS! Early Signs of Laminitis and How Hoof Boots Can Help

Ah, spring! The days grow longer, the sun shines brighter, and pastures erupt in a vibrant green feast. But for horse owners, spring also carries a hidden danger: laminitis. This painful condition affects the hoof laminae, the sensitive tissues that connect the hoof wall to the pedal bone. When horses gorge on rich spring grass,

Hoof Boot Tip Bits

Staying Safe on Ice

If your barefoot horse struggles with hard lumps of ice and snow under his hooves, hoof boots are a great way to protect his feet. Riding your horse in wintertime can also be dangerous due to the risk of slipping on snow, ice and uneven frozen ground. Although letting your horse wear hoof boots –

Hoof Boot Tip Bits

Are Hoof Boots Better Than Shoes?

The question of whether hoof boots are better than traditional horseshoes does not have a one-size-fits-all answer, as it largely depends on individual circumstances, including the horse’s specific needs, the type of activity, and the owner’s preferences. However, several factors can help in making an informed decision. Health and Comfort Hoof boots can provide superior

Hoof Boot Tip Bits

Winter Care Tips

Another Winter is around the corner, and many of us are asking- what happened to Summer? Because we haven’t had the driest it is extra important to check the condition of your boots going into the Winter months. Damage You’re looking for any cracks or breakage around the sole and heels, especially to the straps

Hoof Boot Tip Bits

Which is the BEST hoof boot?

This is one of the most common questions we are asked and while we would love to give you a straightforward answer, there is not a singular ‘BEST’ hoof boot. The question I suggest is “which is the most suitable hoof boot?” because the answer is dependent on the hooves we are fitting. So which

Hoof Boot Tip Bits

How many hoof boots does my horse need?

Before we consider how many boots your horse may need, let’s take a look at the balance of the horse. Horses are naturally downhill, so their forelimbs support the majority of their weight. Because they carry between 60 and 65 percent of their weight up front, a horse puts more strain on its front limbs

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